Category: THE BLOG

The Sun

Jenna June 7, 2023 No Comments

The first appearance of the Angry Sun was in Super Mario Bros. 3, the Quicksand level. It shoots out flaming rays until about halfway through the level, when the Angry


Midsummer & the Queen of Wands

Jenna May 31, 2023 No Comments

Do you believe in magic? What even is magic? The dictionary defines it as “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.” Wikipedia


The High Priestess

Jenna May 28, 2023 No Comments

Gnosticism was a philosophical movement of the 2nd Century Christian Church, one with very uncertain origins and most likely originated in ancient Rome and Persia. Christians, much like today, worshipped


The Magician

Jenna April 30, 2023 No Comments

Sparked by the Ionians, those Greeks living in Persia along the Aegean Coast in Asia Minor, the Greeks and the Persians fought for centuries. This rebellion spanned the course of


The Empress

Jenna April 12, 2023 No Comments

In a chariot drawn by a set of steeds as black as coal, the lord of the underworld took Persephone by the wrist and insisted through her tears that she


The Tower

Jenna March 18, 2023 No Comments

We humans like to think very highly of ourselves, sometimes to the point of megalomania. It is during these moments when our egos could stand to be reeled in a


Pisces New Moon

Jenna February 19, 2023 No Comments

Have you ever laid down on the shore and let the waves come crashing down over you? It’s almost as if you could seemingly become one with the ocean, slowly


Leo Full Moon & Lantern Festival

Jenna February 5, 2023 No Comments

The Chinese New Year culminates every year with the celebration known as the Lantern Festival, the holiday marking the first full moon of the year. Streets are decorated with lanterns,


Aquarius New Moon

Jenna January 21, 2023 No Comments

Every time we have a new moon we are gifted with the opportunity to interact with the zodiacal archetype in which the moon is sailing through in a novel way,


The Star & The Decans of Aquarius Season

Jenna January 16, 2023 No Comments

Like rain gentling a pool, grace descends to those who open in love and trust. The Star, ruled by Aquarius, invites us into some fierce healing, one that requires us