Tag: the chariot

Cancer Full Moon

Jenna January 6, 2023 No Comments

On Friday, January 6, 2023 at 6:09 PM EST our first Full Moon of the year will peak in Cancer. Full moons tend to show us the natural apex of


2023: A Chariot Year

Jenna January 1, 2023 1 Comment

As each year comes to its inevitable end, we are invited into a new cycle, a new turning of the wheel that is life. The Lovers was our tarot card


Virgo New Moon

Jenna August 27, 2022 No Comments

Persephone was the beloved daughter of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and flowers would burst forth from the ground as she danced through the fields. Hades, who happened to


The Chariot

Jenna June 16, 2022 1 Comment

Ruled by Cancer, the Chariot card in the tarot represents a vehicle under control, one that is self-disciplined and firmly grounded on the physical plane. It is the end of