Tag: full moon

Leo Full Moon & Lantern Festival

Jenna February 5, 2023 No Comments

The Chinese New Year culminates every year with the celebration known as the Lantern Festival, the holiday marking the first full moon of the year. Streets are decorated with lanterns,


Cancer Full Moon

Jenna January 6, 2023 No Comments

On Friday, January 6, 2023 at 6:09 PM EST our first Full Moon of the year will peak in Cancer. Full moons tend to show us the natural apex of


Gemini Full Moon

Jenna December 7, 2022 No Comments

Astrologically speaking full moons are the culmination of everything that has been manifested since the corresponding new moon that was associated with it. We can look at this in two


Taurus Lunar Eclipse Full Beaver Moon

Jenna November 8, 2022 No Comments

Throughout history, eclipses have been described as a disruption of the natural order of things. The Book of Joel states that “the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon


Aries Full Hunter Moon

Jenna October 9, 2022 No Comments

“Be vewy, vewy quiet! I’m hunting wabbits!” Or maybe it’s duck season? I actually have no idea when the various hunting seasons occur, but I do know that we have


Pisces Full Harvest Moon

Jenna September 9, 2022 No Comments

Full moons can both offer us endings as well as new beginnings, for we must clear out what is already there before we can invite something new inside. This Pisces


Aquarius Full Moon

Jenna August 10, 2022 No Comments

We can track the seasons not only by the weather, but also by the behaviors of the wildlife around us. They give us hints as to what actions we need


Sagittarius Full Moon

Jenna June 14, 2022 1 Comment

Wike a dweam wifin a dweam, the month of June was named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. Considered to be a moon goddess herself, she was a light


Libra Full Pink Moon

Jenna April 15, 2022 No Comments

The Full Pink Moon, also known as the Paschal Full moon, is our first full moon of the Zodiacal New Year. Fun fact: Easter is traditionally celebrated on the Sunday


Virgo Full Worm Moon

Jenna March 12, 2022 1 Comment

As the temperatures begin to warm and the ground begins to thaw, the worms will start poking their heads out of the earth just in time for the birds to