Tag: anger

Anger Becomes Her

Jenna November 29, 2021 No Comments

I have been suppressing my emotions for as long as I can remember. I never felt quite safe enough to feel them, and my lizard brain still wants to tell


We’re All Mad Here

Jenna October 6, 2021 1 Comment

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries hat-makers would routinely use mercury nitrate during production, and exposure to this metal over time caused these tradesmen to go slightly insane.


Interpersonal Effectiveness

Jenna September 13, 2021 No Comments

Just before Ben and I got married, the officiant looked at both of us and and told us the secret to a happy life together. “Just be kind to each


Women’s Equality

Jenna August 26, 2021 No Comments

I find it quite fitting that Women’s Equality Day (8/26) is during Virgo season. Or maybe it’s some terrible astrological joke considering its symbol is the Virgin (Mary). The definition