Scorpio New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse


When the moon slides between the Earth and the Sun, we call this a solar eclipse. When the moon only partially covers the Sun’s disk, much like the one that will occur on October 25 at 6:49 am EST, we call it a Partial Solar Eclipse. This will be the second Partial Solar Eclipse of 2022, the first one being in Taurus back on April 30. The Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is also a South Node Eclipse, bringing with it endings of a sort. It encourages us to let go of certain things, to surrender to the life that’s here, so that we can begin the process of alchemical change. Being set in Scorpio makes this work all that more challenging, but also provides us with some deep transformation.

Joyful Union by Ben Yolton

Astrologically speaking, lunar nodes are determined by the point at which the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic, the apparent path that the sun makes around the Earth. We all know that the Earth revolves around the sun, but this is just what it appears to be from our vantage point down here on the ground. Hence the word, apparent. The North Node is your karmic path, the fate of your future, and where your destiny lies. The South Node represents your past lives, those gifts you brought with you into this world, and your comfort zone. In other words, the North Node is all about expansion, while the South Node is all about contraction. This isn’t to say that the South Node is all doom and gloom. If we think of it in terms of labor and delivery, there is always a contraction before birth. It’s hard work at first, clearing out the debris from our lives, but the payoff can be quite magnificent if we can simply learn how to surrender to the flow of life that’s here.

Houses & Households

We had our first Scorpio eclipse in this series back on May 16, 2022, that being a Total Lunar Eclipse. Scorpio is in my second house, the House of Possessions, and I found myself exploring a new approach to managing wealth. We all grow up with certain emotionally leanings in regard to money, usually influenced by our parents and their relationship to finances. I grew up in a house where we didn’t talk about those things, as it was considered to be a “private matter.” Having only one parent able to work for the majority of my childhood brought on some scarcity issues that I am still trying to untangle myself from. The lack of conversation left me confused much of the time, and quite frankly has hindered me from creating strong financial skills.

Not only did it handicap my knowing how to deal with money, it also made me terrified to leave abusive jobs for fear of not being able to support myself, of not being able to get a comprable paying job. I tolerated all the sexual assaults and harassments, all the managerial debasements, and the crushing blows to my concept of self-worth. I became a scared shell of a human, knowing only that I had to do what I had to do to afford to put a roof over my head and to be able to feed myself.

I often wonder how my life would have been different (better?) if I had been taught to think, to know, that I deserve better than what I was given, if I had been taught to think of myself in a better regard. Much like the Sun during this eclipse, I was obscured and my light was dimmed. A part of me blames my life’s circumstances, while another part of me blames my parents. I understand that a lot of it has to do with them not realizing and working through their own traumas, and at the same time, I find myself hurt and angry at all of it. This is the emotional side of the Second House, the part that I am responsible for healing.

Best By Date

I have now learned that sometimes we simply have to walk away from things that are no longer serving us, often without any sort of clear direction for the future. In order to have the space and capacity to welcome new things into our lives, we have to get rid of the garbage that’s taking up all that space. When I left the hippie bar, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. Honestly some days I still don’t. I just keep going, keep doing the next thing, hoping that it will lead me to somewhere fulfilling in this life of mine. To some extent it is. I have regained my love for writing, although my true desire is to write a book. I am dancing again, something that I once gave up, thinking it was a useless waste of time. I will probably take a million pictures of myself before I die, all in an effort to find some semblance of joy on this Earth.

I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.


We can look to the Six of Swords as a guiding force during this chapter of our own story. This tarot card can assist us in figuring out what needs to come with us on our journey and what you can leave behind. What baggage am I carrying that I no longer need? The swords represent a type of mental conflict, the rational mind as opposed to intuition or affairs of the heart. Life comes with challenges, often ones that come with grief and regret, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take them on. Quitting isn’t always the coward’s way out. Sometimes escaping is the only answer.

Main Character Energy

We will have one more eclipse in Scorpio occurring on May 5, 2023, this one being a lunar eclipse. That means we are at the halfway point on this journey of ours. The archetype of the Sun is that of the ego, the main character energy that we put out into the world. It literally asks us, “Who do you think you are?” I can’t decide yet if it seems sincere or sarcastic in nature, probably a little bit of both if we are being honest. During a solar eclipse we are confronted with our own shadow, inviting us to get extremely honest with ourselves. This is a time to plant the seeds of who we want to be and what we want to impress on the world.

If you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted

One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?

Eminem, Lose Yourself

It can feel brutal coming to terms with different aspects of yourself, but also freeing in a way. Lunar eclipses come in to help you rid yourself of old fears and habits, of old feelings and situations, so that you can move with a bit more lightness moving forward. Dagaz, the rune of breakthrough, symbolizes this type of 180-degree turn away from the darkness in our lives. “In each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever” (The book of Runes, Ralph Blum). The key to all this self-change is to move slowly and stay grounded. Rest, stay hydrated, and cry if need be. Tears are an all-natural pain reliever. Take the analgesic. We have a long road ahead of us.

Made love, Jenna

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