Sagittarius New Moon


The Sagittarius New Moon invites us to wander without a destination in mind and to commit yourself to your fantasies. Sagittarius, which rules both education and travel, is a sign of rapidly expanding horizons. This could mean dusting off your passport to physically reach new frontiers or renewing that library card for some fresh inspiration. (I keep meaning to do that by the way.) We can, in fact, travel the world and other dimensions from the luxury of our own couches. The main goal here is to begin the process of plotting out your next great adventure.

I have learned that sometimes we get to a point where we realize that the paths we have been trotting on for some time are no longer in alignment with our current selves, that they no longer seem to be taking us to the destination we have in mind. Or maybe, just maybe, we had the ladder leaning against the wrong house in the first place. Recognizing the places where we need to shift focus is only the beginning of this long journey ahead of us. There is a grieving process, as with most things that we let go of, but it simultaneously opens us up to set the intentions for where we want our next frontier to be.

The Fool

Ruled by Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, the Fool is the tarot card that we can look to for the Sagittarius New Moon. It is the card of new beginnings and adventures, of pleasure and of passion. Each one of us is the embodiment of this card, as it is our privilege as a human being on this Earth not to know all the answers and to learn new things both about ourselves and how we fit in the world. There is an innocence to this card, one that invites us to be ourselves and just go for it. There is an inner child inside of us all, a playful soul that is begging for us to say yes. Take the leap being called to take.

Behold, a sacred voice is calling you. All over the sky a sacred voice is calling you.

Black Elk

The Fool is both a beginning and an end, for we must release some aspects of ourselves that may no longer quite fit. We have to bring an end to out naivety in order to reach the most sublime fulfillment. Our task is simply to sense and grasp one’s potential, to ‘heed the call’ as they say. This is the essence of life itself, the divine light within all of us and the secret to the reincarnation of ourselves. We don’t know what the future holds. We can guess and make some logical presumptions, but we could also end up in a complete 180-turn from where we thought we were going. Now is the time when you need to trust where the Universe is taking you. The Fool reminds us that we are here to go on a supreme adventure – that of passing through the gates of experience to reach our own ultimate wisdom, the person we were meant to be.

Represented as 0,
It travels through the deck,
Collecting the lessons
And the medicine of the tarot.

Recentering the Self

A message from my center.

The World Reversed

Sometimes we accomplish our goals and look back at them with a strange emptiness, like a part of it went missing. We were so close, yet something felt a bit off. We can get so caught up in the end game that we get disconnected from the why of it all. Reconnect to what you are doing, and make sure it still aligns with who you are now.

What card is helping me to stay grounded?

Three of Pentacles Reversed

A lack of cohesion and disorganization can be frustrating. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is to stop and regroup. If we don’t have a clear plan on how to accomplish our goals, than maybe plotting out the next course of action is the next step.

What needs my attention right now?

Four of Wands

Celebrate how far you have come and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Far too often we jump to next thing on our todo list without even acknowledging all of what we have already accomplished. We minimize our achievements when we should (I use that word kindly.) rejoice in them.

deck credit: Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, drawn in 1909 by Pamela Colman Smith under direction of Arthur Edward Waite

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