Becoming Jenna

Jenna April 10, 2020 No Comments

I am only figuring out myself as I am being thrust into the world as this new person. I am only just meeting her for the first time. I couldn't imagine having to do that on a worldwide stage.


The Eyes Have It All

Jenna March 30, 2020 No Comments

The eyes show fear — Fear from the soul hidden deep within, Fear from the tainted life itself, Fear from your own true being. The eyes show content — Content contained in your heart, Content flowing freely through your veins. The eyes show sadness — Sadness vaporized by the mind, Sadness creeping out of the […]


Whoa! How Did I Get Here?

Jenna March 23, 2020 No Comments

Six months ago I was in the middle of the deepest part of my depression. I remember crying into Ben's arms one day, feeling like I no longer wanted to live. But somewhere deep inside kept faith alive that I would come out on the other side. I just had to trudge through the pain for a little longer.


I Cried in My Paper Dress

Jenna January 20, 2020 2 Comments

"All disease begins in the gut." - Hippocrates


Take the Leap

Jenna January 13, 2020 No Comments

This is definitely a book that I plan on coming back to, once I figure out what I want to do when I grow up.


Seasons of Grief

Jenna December 29, 2019 1 Comment

Autumn is a season of grief. The days get shorter, and the nights get longer. Just like childhood, the curfew says to come home before dark. The holiday season starts to rev up, but some of us aren’t so ready to celebrate and be merry. Some of us are still in that season of grief, […]


Boundaries, Pendulum Swings, & the Science Museum

Jenna November 6, 2019 No Comments

When I was a little girl I spent a lot of time at the Science Museum of Virginia. My dad worked there, and anytime we got a day off of school I went to work with him. I loved spending days there with him, especially around the holidays. They had the entire place done up […]


It’s Only Fear

Jenna September 9, 2019 No Comments

The number one thing my therapist asks me during session is, "What are you so afraid of?" I usually ramble about all the reasons I should be afraid, and half the time she says, "So what!?" Then I start crying because I know deep down that she is right.


The Fear with No Name

Jenna July 8, 2019 No Comments

No one tells you growing up that if you don't deal with your emotions, they will come back to bite you in the ass. My emotions did just that exact thing to me.


Good Job, Baby Girl

Jenna June 24, 2019 No Comments

We can be so quick to blame them when sometimes (not every time), it truly is our own judgments that are getting in the way of our happiness. I could have held on to that first moment of disgust and anger, but I chose another way. I chose to look at things from a different perspective.