May Day Mayday

Jenna May 19, 2021 No Comments

Holding the tips of frayed ribbons We dance around the maypole, Celebrating yet another spring, Another rebirth Another beginning Another renewal. May was named after the Roman goddess Maia. Maia was the eldest of the Seven Sisters, the seven nymphs who represented the constellation of the Pleiades. Ruled by Taurus, symbolized by the ram, it […]


Receptive Foundations

Jenna May 12, 2021 No Comments

I’ve been thinking a lot about foundations lately. Good old Merriam-Webster (what dictionary are we supposed to be using these days anyway?) basically sums it up in another word – support. What happens when there is damage to those foundations? Do we keep filling in the cracks hoping it won’t leak? I feel like the […]



Jenna May 11, 2021 No Comments

I choose to live my life seasonally, honoring the ever-changing cycles with rituals. The Taurus New Moon reminds me to release the past, new beginnings. My womb follows this same cycle, shedding what she no longer needs to hold on to. No more grasping. We have the pressure to present a good self, but we […]


Me & My White Privilege

Jenna May 8, 2021 1 Comment

My white privilege was showing, like a slip peeking out from under my skirt.


I Was the Sheriff of Nottingham

Jenna May 5, 2021 No Comments

I'm not a complete idiot. I get it now. Yeah, it took a while. I’ve learned that about myself. It takes me a while to fully grasp things sometimes. I have to study it from all angles. I want to make sure I get it right. That’s been my problem all along. I was always […]


A Birthday & 2 Funerals

Jenna May 4, 2021 No Comments

Reminds me of that movie, Two Weddings and a Funeral. I never actually saw that movie, but I guess the sentiment remains. How do you celebrate someone’s birthday, while on the same day mourning the loss of two lives? That’s a lot to handle. It may seem strange, but there is a weird beauty in […]



Jenna May 3, 2021 No Comments

I don’t know what to say, or what to do, so I tend to give people space. Maybe it’s because that’s how I like to process emotions, alone. I don’t like people all up in my shit. Ask anyone who has known me for long enough that I hardly ever invite people into my house. […]


Mountain Valley Pipeline

Jenna April 30, 2021 No Comments

We read these books to our children, but do we actually read them? It sounds like a wonderful fantasy to give a child. Look at us, giving them high hopes, only to have the realization come crashing down that we humans are doing the exact things we are trying to teach our children not to do. Do as I say, not as I do. I suppose.


Longing to Love

Jenna April 29, 2021 No Comments

I’ve been loving the wrong way. I try to love others the way I need to be loved. I got it backwards. Each person has their own language in regards to love. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman describes each of them beautifully. We try so hard to get people to love us the […]


Turtle Shell

Jenna April 28, 2021 No Comments

There is this scene in the movie Brick (one of my all time favorite movies, by the way) where Brendan walks into the room and Laura is reciting poetry while playing softly on the piano. This is something that I have only dreamed of, but the truth is that I am too chicken shit to […]