37 Lessons Learned

Jenna October 19, 2021 No Comments

Lemony Snicket had a series of unfortunate events. Me? I had a myriad of fuck-ups, many moments of either falling on my ass or showing it. This seems to be the main theme of the novel that is my life. The road sure is a bumpy one. Lucky for me it’s also given me a […]


Catcalling & Consent

Jenna October 9, 2021 No Comments

I’m so tired. Tired of being sexualized, and then shamed for being sexual. This has happened to me my whole life. I don’t think my story is original. It’s just the remix, my version of the way our culture treats women as objects, playthings, toys to be used and then tossed aside. Catcalling. It even […]


We’re All Mad Here

Jenna October 6, 2021 1 Comment

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries hat-makers would routinely use mercury nitrate during production, and exposure to this metal over time caused these tradesmen to go slightly insane. Hence the phrase “mad as a hatter.” In its original meaning, mad meant “troubled in mind” or demented. The meaning was later morphed to include […]


This, Or Something Better

Jenna October 5, 2021 1 Comment

We have a New Moon in Libra on October 6, 2021 marking this day as my “personal new year.” Whatever your sun sign is, the new moon that occurs during that season is your new year according to the zodiacal calendar. This is the time where you would set some intentions on how you would […]


Four Other F-Words

Jenna September 28, 2021 2 Comments

One thing I learned very early on in my therapy/wellness journey, or whatever we are calling it these days, is that when I get super anxious my body switches over into the sympathetic nervous system. It sounds nice, right? Sympathy. That was a terrible choice in word usage to whomever decided on that option. It’s […]



Jenna September 24, 2021 No Comments

I have a love / hate relationship with semicolons. I want to get one tattooed on my body, and I refuse to write with them. I won’t use them in a sentence if I can get away with it. I have no idea where this raw hatred for this particular punctuation mark came from. I […]


Libra Season

Jenna September 21, 2021 No Comments

Welcome to Libra season and hello autumn! Unless you live in Richmond where it is humid as hell, and we appear to be in second summer hopefully heading into actual fall. We had that tease not too long ago. Mother Nature is probably just pissed off at the way we have been treating her. Either […]


Pisces Full Corn Moon

Jenna September 18, 2021 No Comments

The last full moon of the summer occurs this year on September 20. Pisces, the 12th and final zodiac sign, rules sleep and the subconscious, the dream world. Ruled by Neptune (Poseidon to the Greek), the Roman god of the sea and water, rides the waves of the ocean on his horse-drawn carriage much like […]


Interpersonal Effectiveness

Jenna September 13, 2021 No Comments

Just before Ben and I got married, the officiant looked at both of us and and told us the secret to a happy life together. “Just be kind to each other,” she said. It sounds so simple really, but boy is it not so easy to do. We get triggered by other people’s words. That […]


Peach: A Cat of Many Lives

Jenna September 7, 2021 No Comments

We never meant to get a second cat. Hell! I don’t even think that we meant to get the first one for that matter. Two wonderful, happy accidents, I suppose. Needle was the easy one. A friend found a litter of kittens in the woods by her Mom’s house. I took one as soon as […]