Authentic Expression

Jenna December 18, 2021 No Comments

Full moons have been given a bad rap. We can thank westernized religion for that one. Christianity is so confusing for me. It’s like they picked all the things from other religions that they liked and mashed it all into a book of dominion and power over others. For example, the act of decorating a […]


Sagittarius Solar New Moon Eclipse

Jenna December 4, 2021 1 Comment

This was the second solar eclipse of 2021, the first being on June 10 during the Gemini New Moon. That one invited us to take a giant leap into unknown territories, to try something that we never in a million years thought was possible. This, very much like the Fool in tarot, can be terrifying […]


Neptune Direct in Pisces

Jenna December 1, 2021 No Comments

We’ve been riding this Neptunian wave since June 25, 2021. Or more accurately we have been floating out in the deep seas of our subconscious minds. Retrogrades have that effect on people, almost like two passing trains making you feel like you are going slower that you actually are. Have you ever just want to […]


Anger Becomes Her

Jenna November 29, 2021 No Comments

I have been suppressing my emotions for as long as I can remember. I never felt quite safe enough to feel them, and my lizard brain still wants to tell me that I am a burden when I do try to express them. I get told that I am too much, that I am overreacting, […]


Taurus Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Jenna November 19, 2021 2 Comments

At 4 o’clock this morning the alarm started buzzing. Why so early, you ask? I wanted to see the lunar eclipse, so outside in my slippers and bathrobe I went. I stayed out there for all of 5 minutes because, quite frankly, it was cold, but not before capturing a terrible picture on my iPhone. […]


Jenna & the Three Therapists

Jenna November 16, 2021 2 Comments

I never thought I was going to be one of those people who pays a shit ton of money to sit on a couch and spill their guts out to a stranger. But alas! I have done it a countless number of times with three entirely different people. I have had three therapists thus far […]


This Is Your Family

Jenna November 7, 2021 1 Comment

People have said this to me my whole life, like that is supposed to mean that I have to comply or even care. They say it in a way that makes it seem like I am supposed to be okay with the creepy uncle kissing me on the cheek. Or that the emotional and physical […]


Scorpio New Moon

Jenna November 4, 2021 1 Comment

New moons are just like new years or Mondays for that matter, a reason to start over, to begin again. November 4 starts us on a 6-month journey, which would land us at the corresponding full moon on May 16, 2022. A lot can happen in six months, especially since we have Eclipse Season firing […]


Pink, It’s My New Obsession

Jenna October 30, 2021 No Comments

Actually, pink is the official color of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This shit is no joke, and super fucking scary to have to go through. Mine was benign, thank God, but that is not the case for everyone. The mental gymnastics this one question of a diagnoses can cause is enough to keep any family […]


Full Hunter Moon in Aries

Jenna October 20, 2021 No Comments

The Full Hunter Moon signals us to begin the process of gathering meat, and preparing it for the winter when the animals that feed us also hunker down for their own hibernation. They have, as I was taught, been fattening themselves up for the cold months ahead as well. (Insert Homer Simpson drooling noises here.) […]