Aquarius New Moon


Every time we have a new moon we are gifted with the opportunity to interact with the zodiacal archetype in which the moon is sailing through in a novel way, one that may aid us in beginning this new chapter of our lives. Moons do not carry a light of their own. What we see in the sky is merely a reflection of the sun as it projects its glory onto those darker places in our vast solar system. Those mirrors are there to illustrate the ways in which we could perhaps look at ourselves through the eyes of another lens, often pointing us into a direction that feels more in alignment with our own morals and personal value systems.

More often than not I feel like the ways in which I live, the decisions that I make in everyday life, are ones that have been conscripted onto me by our culture and society at large. I find myself questioning these things more recently, asking myself why I do the things in this way versus that way. Sometimes just figuring out the underlying motivation, or lack there of in some cases, can be the propulsion we need to move forward in our lives. But not just to be more successful in the eyes of others, to flourish more from those places that come from our hearts.

The Dawning of the Age

The Aquarian archetype is one of the Revolutionary, the Truth Sayer. the Scientist, the Exile, and all those who choose to make their own paths in this world. They are those who go against peer pressure and conformity, ones choosing to opt for absolute truth regardless of the consequences. This is not an easy task, as much of this life never is, but it is the ultimate motivation for those who hold Aquarius in their charts.

Moons expose our emotional realms. They invite us to take closer looks in the mirror, asking if we like what we see. “Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” The Evil Queen didn’t like what she saw reflected back in that glass. This is where it all goes awry in the story of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. Instead of looking inward to see the ways in which she could improve, the Evil Queen attempted to destroy another. Isn’t that what we are taught? To tear others down in order to make ourselves feel better. What was supposed to be a lesson, a moral objective, did it actually end up becoming a directive for our society, for how women are supposed to treat each other if we want to get ahead in life? I wonder.

The Water-Bearer

Aquarius is a fixed air sign, not to be confused by the glyph of said Water-Bearer. Fixed signs fall right in the middle of the season, this particular one being in Winter if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. The role of a fixed sign is to maintain, uphold, and defend your position, to stand your ground, to be just a little bit stubborn. The fact that it is also an air sign, brings all this energy into the intellectual realm.

Aquarians are concerned with the bigger pictures, the large-scale concepts in which dreams are made. Galileo was an Aquarian Sun, and so was Rosa Parks and Bob Marley. This is not to say that everyone will achieve such high ranking glory amongst the masses, but we could reach such heights in our own communities, or perhaps even in our own eyes. One could very well be 14 minutes in to their 15 minutes of fame and not even realize it.

A Reading for the Collective

What do I need to focus on during this lunar cycle?

“Get up and go do something. You are wasting the day away.” That was a common phrase levelled at me growing up, one that still haunts me to this day. Slowly throughout the years, those words have engrained themselves into my concept of self-worth, thus wrapping my enoughness in with my productivity. I literally don’t know how to rest. My brain starts firing like a Galaga arcade game. Pew! Pew! Pew! And then the guilt floods in, often making me panicky that I’m not actually doing something. The Four of Swords Reversed is here to remind us that rest is something. It is productive and it is something that we humans need in order to survive. The key is to learn how to do it before the burnout kicks in, before you become absolutely useless to everyone around you, including yourself.

What do I need to release?

There are unlimited possibilities out there, and conversely there are only so many hours in each day. We have so many ideas and dreams and goals, but we cannot possibly do them all, at least not all at the same time. The Seven of Cups is asking us to choose, to pick the one thing that we want to see actualized, grounded in reality, and then to move into a place of action. This is a card about focus, of making preparations and seeing them through. The idea phase is great, one we must all spend some time in, but at some point we must also realize that all this wishful thinking isn’t going to get you anywhere. You have to put in the work to achieve your goals in this life.

What is the next step to consider?

We have to make money in this capitalistic culture of ours in order to survive. That is a simple fact, one that we must all come to terms with. There is also a Catch-22 in the sense that the more material gain we accrue, the more stuff we feel we need in order to be fulfilled. The Four of Pentacles invites us to check in with the relationship we have with money. There is a difference between generosity and over-giving, between scarcity and saving. It’s a balance we must all find, much like everything in this life, but one that could actually prove to be profitable.

Mad love, Jenna

deck credit: Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, drawn in 1909 by Pamela Colman Smith under direction of Arthur Edward Waite